In August and September, Board Vice President Schmerelson will chair the Committee of the Whole and the Special Education Committee. You can check the highlighted links below to get past months’ reports in the future.
- At its meeting on 8/7, the Board approved the Facilities Bond (presentation).
- At the Board meeting on 8/13 the Board welcomed Anely Cortez Lopez, our Student Board Member and, among other items approved investments in furniture for Cleveland Infant Center, Holmes MS, Lawrence MS and a secure entry system for Mulholland MS.
- At the 9/11 meeting (video), the Board approved, among other items, investments in exterior lunch tables and benches for Columbus ES and Van Nuys MS. The Board also approved Board Member Schmerelson’s resolution which requests the Superintendent report on the improvements and progress made on distribution of mental health resources for all students, in recognition of the September as Suicide Prevention and Awareness Month and being National Suicide Prevention Week (9/8-14).
The first meeting of the Special Education Committee will take place on 9/11 at 3 pm. The first meeting of the Committee of the Whole will take place on 9/17 at 10 am.
The next Regular Board Meeting will take place on 10/22 and 10/23, 2024