Board District 3 Resolutions


This resolution was introduced and passed is response to a plan released by a local foundation seeking to aggressively move approximately half of LAUSD students to privately operated charter schools. The Board committed to opposing initiatives that treat public education as a marketplace and children as commodities, and called for the investment in a wide range of educational programs and strategies to attract, retain, and better serve all students.

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On June 20, 2017, the LAUSD Board of Education adopted this resolution to recognize and address the educational implications of dyslexia. The Division of Special Education and the Division of Instruction created the Dyslexia Learning Group (DLG), comprised of LAUSD stakeholders, board members, institutes of higher education, and dyslexia organizations to delve deeper into understanding how to address the educational needs of students with dyslexia and gather key recommendations to improve the implementation of the Dyslexia Support Plan.

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LAUSD Dyslexia Awareness Website

Read California Dyslexia Guidelines

The Holocaust was a significant, history-defining era in Europe as Nazi Germany persecuted and murdered six million believers of the Jewish faith. This resolution ensures that The Los Angeles Unified School District remembers the tragedy and calls for the respect of all people. A moment of silence was held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, to remember the victims, survivors, rescuers, and liberators.

Resolution Press Release



The resolution requires parents to sign a letter each year acknowledging their understanding of their firearm storage responsibilities and provides that school-site staff be trained in how to detect and prevent gun violence.

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The resolution addresses the ever-increasing climate crisis that scientists have been warning us about for decades. This historic policy initiative instructs the facilities leadership team to convene and oversee a task force to begin a planning process that commits to the goals of achieving 100 percent clean, renewable energy in its electricity sector by 2030 and in all energy sectors, including heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), cooking, and transportation, by 2040.

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This resolution commemorated September 2023 as Child Welfare and Attendance Month, considering the challenges students face that may cause them to miss school and the services provided by The District. Pupil Services and Attendance Counselors also assist students with their mental health and safety and provide services to families.

Resolution  Press Release

This resolution marked October 2023 as National Principals Month to acknowledge the work of principals across the Los Angeles Unified School District. Their efforts at their respective schools and beyond demonstrate leadership and professionalism and promote safe environments and quality education for all students. 

Resolution  Press Release

This is a celebration of classified employees and their role in ensuring students have the help they need to pursue quality education. It is meant to celebrate bus drivers, food service providers, security officers, IT support, library aides, and many others.

Resolution Press Release

This resolution marks April as Arts, Culture, and Creativity Month as well as Arts Appreciation Week during the week of April 22nd to April 27th. This gave students from all over the district the ability to demonstrate their artistic talents and culminated with Arts Fest at Los Angeles City College. 

Resolution Press Release


All Resolutions

You can find the full list of resolutions that Board Member Schmerelson has authored this school year here.  You can find the full list of resolutions that Board Member Schmerelson co-sponsored this school year here.

You can find the full list of resolutions that Board Member Schmerelson has authored prior to this school year here.