Special Education Committee met on 11/6/24


The Board’s Special Education Committee met on Wednesday, November 6, 2024, at 3 pm.  You can find the materials here and the video of the meeting in English and in Spanish.


Diploma with Alternate Assessment
– Diploma now includes students with severe cognitive disabilities and joins other students who also fulfill diploma requirements, such as foster youth and homeless students.
– Counselors will identify students who meet the requirements for the program and will work with IEP case workers.
– Counselors will have virtual and in-person training sessions throughout the school year in all regions in November, January, March and May.
– To support the implementation of this program, webinars and drop- in sessions are hosted every month for general education teachers from September 2024 to May 2025.

Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) for Students with Disabilities – Supporting Twice-Exceptional Students
– Students can be identified as twice exceptional through academics, the arts, math, and many other subjects.
– Anybody can make a referral for twice exceptional – including students themselves, who can self-identify as gifted.
– The percentage of students with disabilities who are identified as gifted stands at 4.6%.
– Students with disabilities who are identified as gifted need differentiated instruction and need to be around other gifted students to enhance their experiences.

Magnet Opportunities for Students with Disabilities
– The Modified Consent Decree Report (12-13-19) has succeeded in increasing the number of students with disabilities who apply.
– The no-mash policy hindered students with disabilities' opportunities to attend magnet programs due to the lack of special education programs. This policy was dissolved, and students with IEPs can now apply for magnet programs.
– Every year, the number of students with disabilities (or the percentage of students) has been met with growth in magnet programs.