Memo to Superintendent and Board regarding Proposition 28 Funding – June 5, 2024

To: Superintendent, Alberto M. Carvalho

From: LAUSD Board Vice President, Scott M. Schmerelson

Subject: Proposition 28 – Arts Funding

Date: June 5, 2024

As you know, in light of the new funding provided by Proposition 28, I met with your staff to

discuss the need to provide school staff, parents and community members information on arts

instruction funding. I continue to receive many questions about whether the District is meeting

the obligations of state funding. Many have looked into their own schools’ budgets and have

been unable to understand whether they are receiving the appropriate funding at their school


They have expressed the following two key concerns:

● Did they receive the appropriate Proposition 28 allocation of $111 per enrolled student

and the additional $78 for each Title 1 student? and

● What is the past and current arts instruction funding provided to their school site so they

can determine if Prop 28 funds are being used appropriately to add, rather than replace

prior arts program instructional funding?

I believe presentations at Board meetings and materials distributed need to be clear and easy to

understand. So far, this has not been the case.

We must be able to show the public that we are complying with funding regulations.

I hope that you can provide the answers to these basic questions to me and the public before

our next board meeting. I also would like to schedule an additional Committee of the Whole

meeting for an extensive discussion of this topic so we can put this issue to rest.

c. Board Members

Devora Navera Reed Saman Bravo-Karimi

Pedro Salcido Nirupama Jayaraman

Karla V. Estrada Nolberto Delgadillo

Kristen K. Murphy

Amanda Wherritt

Jaime Torrens

Michael McLean

David Hart