Here’s what happened at the Committee of the Whole meeting on 5/14/24

The Committtee of the Whole met on Tuesday May 14, 2024 starting at 9:00 am.  You can see the Agenda and Materials here. You can see the video of the meeting here.



Division of Adult and Career Education Update

  • Total enrollment has grown to over 70,000 students, a 45% growth.
  • California Adult Education Program (CAEP) and Perkins funds are based on academic outcomes.
  • Adult education has eleven schools with 535 teachers and 36 different career technical education pathways.
  • DACE uses print, radio, tv, and social media to market their programs openly with school counselors and coordinators also sharing these programs with high school students.
  • DACE’s Family Success Initiative helped LAUSD parents support the success of their children through on-site ESL classes and online parent education courses. 
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL) civics curriculum is also available for adult learners.

May Revision

  • The majority of the funding school districts receive is from the state level. 
  • Although $17.3 billion has been reduced from the state deficit, a $27.6 billion deficit still exists.
  • COLA is now at 1.07%, a raise from the January revision.
  • The governor is proposing taking $11.7 billion from reserves, including $8.4 billion from the Public School System Stabilization Account.
  • School facilities program looks to rescind $375m, even further for facilities money from the January revision. 
  • Carryover money increased to 40% instead of 30%, meaning $40 million more for schools.