Mr. Schmerelson, Mr. McKenna – Humanitarian Relief from the Children and Families of the Los Angeles Unified School District to the Children and Families of Ukraine. (Waiver of Board Rule 72.)
Whereas, Since the last week of February, in households throughout our District, adult family members have been shouldering the heartbreaking task of trying to explain to their children the tragic images and reporting of the recent unprovoked invasion and attacks on the Ukrainian people and their homeland by the Russian military;
Whereas, Over two million residents have left and many more are attempting to leave Ukraine in order to protect themselves and their loved ones, as Russian ground and air attacks on urban centers continue to escalate;
Whereas, Ukrainian children are no doubt suffering from intense physical and emotional trauma as evidenced by reporting that parents are so worried about their safety that they are sewing tags with their blood type on to their clothing;
Whereas, These recent and horrific acts of aggression against Ukraine, directed by Vladimir Putin, remind us how fragile a nation’s borders and national identity can be and that it is innocent civilians who always endure the worst consequences of modern warfare;
Whereas, One of the most critical responsibilities of public education in general, and of the Los Angeles Unified School District in particular, is to be a free and open laboratory for the study of American democracy, the freedoms and responsibilities enumerated in our cConstitution, and for the promotion and practice of civic engagement locally, nationally, and globally;
Whereas, The world community is currently receiving international calls to provide humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian victims of war, refugees, and the families on the front lines of this current assault on the sovereignty of Ukraine and the health and safety of its citizens;
Whereas, A core belief of the LAUSD family is that children are our greatest resource and hope for the future and priority should be given to assisting agencies that directly serve children;
Whereas, the LAUSD family has demonstrated tremendous generosity and compassion locally through its annual Consolidated Charitable Campaign, also known as the Sharing Brings Hope Campaign; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Governing Board of the Los Angeles Unified School District requests that the Superintendent and staff immediately develop an outreach strategy and fundraising campaign that will allow for all students and employees to participate in raising funds to assist Ukrainian children in need through activities and collection sites at all schools and offices and that those donations be forwarded to an effective, child-centered relief organization to be identified and selected by the Consolidated Charitable Campaign Chair and the Superintendent, and, be it finally
Resolved, That the District reaffirms its commitment to welcoming and supporting refugee and international newcomer students, particularly those fleeing the unconscionable war in Ukraine, and directs the Superintendent to assess whether and how the District can condemn the Russian military’s actions, hold Russian authorities accountable through support of economic sanctions, and/or encourage the Federal government to support refugees fleeing the Ukrainian conflict.