Get to know Isabel Meza, Board District 3 Hero from Kester Elementary

“Kester Elementary School holds a special place in my heart,” Isabel says. She and her sisters all went to school there. When she had her daughter, she and her husband moved back into the area. Eventually, both of their children went to Kester where she was an active parent with the PTA and the booster club for 10 years. She was so involved that at some point, she was offered a job.  

This is Isabel’s 6th year working at Kester, as a half-time Supervision aide, and half time Instructional Aide. Isabel loves greeting everyone at the school at the gate in the morning. “I especially love the little ones. I get to know them on a first name basis, and love that I see them grow year after year. It’s very nice.”

As an Instructional Aide, Isabel works with Ms. Karpetian with the English Learners.  “I get to know them and I see who needs help to reclassify. I feel happy for them when they reclassify because I’ve seen their progress from beginning to end.”

 While she likes and appreciates her current position, she would like to grow with the District.  “One day”, she says, “I’d like to work in the front office because I like customer service”.  

In reality, it is her love for Kester Elementary School that inspires her. “It’s great because it’s a community, like a little village within our school. From the teachers to the admin, we all work together as a team. That’s what I love the most.”