2022-23 Meeting Dates
When: Meetings will take place the 1st Wed of every other month.
· September 7, 2022
· November 2, 2022
· January 11, 2023
· March 1, 2023
· May 3, 2023
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Committee Meetings Agendas, Notes, Videos
May 3 meeting: Agenda Notes Materials Videos: English Spanish
March 1 meeting: Agenda Notes Materials Video: English
January 11 meeting: Agenda Notes Materials Video: English Spanish
November 2 meeting: Agenda Notes - Video: English Spanish
September 7 meeting: Agenda Notes - Video (English) Video (Spanish)
2022-23 Committee Members
Committee Members
Mr. Scott M. Schmerelson, Chairperson
Ms. Jackie Goldberg, Board Member
Dr. George J. McKenna, III, Board Member
District Members
Deneen Cox, Deputy General Counsel
Alesha Haase, Special Education Administrator
External Representatives
Lisa Bennett, UTLA
Marc Bowman, Board District 5 Parent
Pam Cohen, Decoding Dyslexia CA
Dr. Amy N. Hanreddy, California State University Northridge
Charity F. Johnson, Board District 7 Parent
Nataly Martinez Juares, Student Representative, Van Nuys High School
Gavin Mirigliani-AALA
John Perron, CAC Representative
Carl Petersen, Board District 3 Parent
Jolan Smith, California State University Long Beach
Topics Discussed
September 9, 2022
- Overview of LAUSD Compensatory Education Plan for Educating Students with Disabilities Impacted by Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Back to School Update from the Division of Special Education
- Long-Term English Learners: Untangling Language Acquisition and Learning Disabilities
November 11, 2022
- Reclassification Process for Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Action Plan (Strategic Plan)
January 11, 2023
- Inclusive Education: Historical, Legal, and Research Foundation
- Least Restrictive Environment in LA Unified
- Supporting Inclusive Practices Overview
- Voices from the Field: Limerick ES
March 1, 2023
- World Down Syndrome Day and World Autism Month
- Voices from the Field: Inclusion Work and Career Transition Center
May 3, 2023
- Overview: Transition Services
- Department of Rehabilitation
- South Central Los Angeles Regional Center
- Extended School Year (ESY) in 2023
Major Highlights
- 9/7/22 - 700 Local District and Central Office of Special Education administrators participated in District’s Compensatory Education Plan to deliver structured literacy.
- 9/7/22 - The district trained teachers and parents on inclusion, IEPs, and other student services.
- 11/2/22 - Plan success through metrics (by 2026): Students 3-8 will be closer to SBA math proficiency; 3rd grade 40 points closer to proficiency in ELA.
- 11/2/22 - 2022-2023 Measures: 3rd-8th grade average to 10 points closer to proficiency in SBA math, 3rd graders 10 points closer to ELA proficiency.
- 1/11/23 - Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) ideas introduced. It is meant to place students in supportive situations where they can thrive.
- 3/1/22 - Adult transition programs focusing on independent living, social skills, employment preparation, vocational training, and community-based instruction.
- 5/3/22 - Los Angeles Department of Rehabilitation has cases for students with special needs to assist them after high school - work or education.
- 5/3/22 - South Central Regional Center (SCLARC) helps individuals with disabilities transition into the workforce without impacting their benefits (social security, medical).
Committee Recommendations
- The committee had requested high school inclusion support guides for students with disabilities.
- An inclusion toolkit has been developed and is available for all staff, students, and families. Please see the link below. ▪ 100-Day Report: Increasing Inclusive Practices for Students with Disabilities Plan
- The committee has recommended that video captioning be available for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) community. The district is currently working to gather data to make this available.
- A document with a breakdown of transition services, regional centers, and information on the Extended School Year has been created. Please see the link below. o May 3rd meeting informational item
- Ms. Silvia Martinez, Board District 3 Chief of Staff
- Mr. Zimri Padilla, Board District 3 Policy Assistant
- Dr. Andrew Thomas, Director of the Independent Analysis Unit
- Ms. Megan Besecker, Senior Analyst of the Independent Analysis Unit
- Mr. Anthony Aguilar, Chief of Special Education, Equity, and Access
- Dr. Maribel Luna, Senior Director of the Division of Special Education
- Ms. Deneen Cox, Deputy General Counsel of the Office of General Counsel